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Ingredients for 4 people :

- 4 thick slices of Brioche Bread (2 to 3cms thick)

- 2 Bananas peeled and thinly sliced

- 8 squares of Dark Chocolate 50% minimum

- 50grs of crushed hazelnuts

- 20 grams of brown sugar.

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Progression of the recipe :

1) Light the Plancha. 

2) On one side, toast your slices of brioche bread (3 minutes). 

3) On the other side, line up your banana slices and roast them quickly for 1 minute, then add the brown sugar, let it caramelize slightly and spread them to one side. 

Then roast (roast) in 20 seconds your crushed hazelnuts and remove them on a small plate.

4) Turn over your slices of brioche bread and put 2 squares of dark chocolate on each slice. After 2 minutes, spread with a spatula the chocolate that is beginning to melt.

5) Bring the chocolate toast towards you and place your small slices of roasted bananas on top as you would do for an apple pie, sprinkle with crushed and roasted hazelnuts and then cut your briochines diagonally with a small spade. 

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A pure moment of happiness !!!

Recipe by Patrick Asfaux for Vivaplancha.com
